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The config is loaded when the server is started. In order to apply the configuration, you need to restart the application. On Windows you should only need to double-click the current-song2.exe again, and it will ask you to stop the old process.

The configuration uses the toml format. The default configuration looks like this:

no_autostart = true

# GSMTC is Windows only
enabled = true

mode = "Exclude"
items = ["chrome.exe", "msedge.exe", "firefox.exe"]

# DBus is Unix only
enabled = true
destinations = ["org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify"]

enabled = false

port = 48457
custom_theme_path = "theme.css"



The server executable always searches for the configuration file next to itself:

╰─ MyFolder
   ├─ current-song2.exe
   ╰─ config.toml

If this configuration isn't found, %APPDATA%/CurrentSong2/config.toml is checked.


The configuration on Unix systems must be located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/CurrentSong2/config.toml (XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to $HOME/.config).


This flag controls if the application will try to add itself to autostart.

  • If it's true, then it won't add itself to autostart. This doesn't mean it will be removed! See Autostart.
  • If it's false (default), then it will check the autostart and possibly add itself there. You can still disable the entry on the Task Manager's Autostart tab since this is independent of the actual registry entry.

GSMTC (Global System Media Transport Controls)

GSMTC uses Windows' own media tracking to provide metadata. However, not every application emits metadata to this system or only limited metadata (specifically browsers; that's why they're excluded by default).


You can control which applications will be included in the search for metadata through modules.gsmtc.filter. There are three modes: Disabled,Include, and Exclude:

  • Disabled will disable all filters, and let everything pass the filters:

    mode = "Disabled"
  • Include will only include applications listed in items. For example, only include Spotify:

    mode = "Include"
    items = ["Spotify.exe"] # (1)!
    1. Notice the capital 'S', the filter is case-sensitive.
  • Exclude will include everything, except applications listed in items. For example, don't include firefox:

    mode = "Exclude"
    items = ["firefox.exe"]


Both lists are case-sensitive.
You can see the application name in the Task Manager by right-clicking and selecting Properties.


Controls whether the module should be enabled or not.


The D-Bus module and collect metadata from any player implementing the Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification (MPRIS). Most players support MPRIS (see Supported Clients). To collect metadata from a specific client, add its destination to destinations.

The following metadata is collected (when available):


A list of destinations to listen to. Often this is the player name in lower-case prefixed with org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.. Each destination becomes a source formatted as dbus::{destination}.


Controls whether the module should be enabled or not.



Controls the path from which a CSS theme will be loaded, defaults to theme.css. This is intended, so that you can keep multiple themes in the folder and switch between them.


Controls the path from which a user script will be loaded, defaults to user.js. This is intended, so that you can keep multiple scripts in the folder and switch between them.


Controls the local port on which the server is listening, defaults to 48457.


If you change the port, make sure to change it in the extension as well.

File Output

Current Song 2 can output the playing song to a file (disabled by default). To enable file-output, set modules.file.enabled to true:

enabled = true
path = "current_song.txt"     # default
format = "{artist} - {title}" # default

This will write to the file specified by modules.file.path (defaults to current_song.txt) with the format specified by modules.file.format (defaults to {artist} - {title}). If no song is playing, the file will be empty.


Controls which path the application writes the song info into (relative or absolute path). You must ensure the location exists, i.e. all folders in the path must exist.

Defaults to curent_song.txt.


Controls the format of the written text. Interpolations are wrapped inside { and }, if you want to output a {, use {{. These are the supported interpolations:

Interpolation Description
{title} The song's title.
{artist} The song's artist.
{album-name?} The song's album name (or empty string).
{album-tracks?} The album's track count (or empty string).
{track-number?} The number of this track on the album (or empty string).
{source} The provider of the current song. For gsmtc: gsmtc::<executable>, for the extension: browser.
{duration?} The song's duration (e.g. 1m23s) (or empty string).

Defaults to {artist} - {title}.