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Current Song 2 will load a custom theme from the path configured in server.custom_theme_path (default: theme.css). The path is relative to the executable.

The theme is loaded after the default theme, so all your rules will overwrite the default rules.


When creating your theme, it's best to use your browser to view the overlay. Simply navigate to localhost:48457 and open your DevTools. To reload the theme, reload the page.


    <div id="song-container">
        <div id="image-container">
            <img id="image" />
        <div id="song-info">
            <div id="mq-title">
                <!-- <marquee-related> -->
                <h1 id="title">Song Title</h1>
                <!-- </marquee-related> -->
            <div id="mq-subtitle">
                <!-- <marquee-related> -->
                <h2 id="subtitle">Roog</h2>
                <!-- </marquee-related> -->
        <div id="progress"></div>


Current Song 2 reflects query and hash parameters in the DOM through attributes on the <html> element. These can be used through attribute selectors in CSS. All query parameters are prefixed with data-query- and all hash parameters are prefixed with data-hash-:

<html data-query-align="left" data-query-color="red" data-hash-animate="yes" data-hash-shadow="none">
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->



You can control the position of the song container from the URL without the need to create a custom theme. The following parameters are recognized: ?position=, ?pos=, #position=, #pos= (e.g. http://localhost:48457/?pos=r). As the value, you can either use single letters (b, t, l, r, c), full words (bottom, top, left, right, center, vcenter, hcenter), or a combination (joined with -).

To place the overlay on the bottom right, the following values will work: c, br, rb, bottom-right, bottom-r, r-b, b-hcenter (and more combinations).

CSS Classes

The overlay will conditionally set a few CSS classes on elements by default.


Name Description
is-spotify Set if the source is the Spotify app. This might be useful, because Spotify embeds its logo in the thumbnail.
with-image Set if the song has an image.
with-progress Set if progress information is available.
with-album Set if the album name is known.
has-album-tracks Set if the amount of album tracks is known.
has-track Set if the track number is known.
vanish Set if the track is paused.


Name Description
spotify Set if the source is the Spotify app.

CSS Variables

The overlay sets a few CSS variables on the #song-container element.

Name Description
--image-url URL of the image to be displayed.
--title Title of the song.
--artist Artist of the song.
--album Album name.
--album-tracks Amount of album tracks.
--track-number Number of the current track.

Default Variables

The default theme exposes a few default variables for easier customization that you can overwrite e.g. in the :root or #song-container selector.

Name Description
--theme-color The background color of the overlay.
--text-color The text color on the overlay.
--font The font of the text on the overlay.
--shadow-color The shadow color of the container.
--rounded The amount of rounding applied to the edges of the container.
--max-width The maximum width of the container.
--height The default height of the container.
--max-height The maximum height of the container.
--min-height The minimum height of the container.
--container-shadow The container shadow.
--progress-height The height of the progress bar.
--progress-color The color of the progress bar.
--progress-border-radius The roundness of the progress bar.
--progress-shadow The shadow of the progress bar.
--use-marquee true if the text should scroll across if it's clipped.
--marquee-speed The speed of the scrolling.
--marquee-pause-duration The duration in milliseconds to pause when an edge is reached.
--marquee-repeat-pause-duration The duration in milliseconds to pause when the start is reached.