User ScriptsΒΆ
In addition to custom themes, you can customize the overlay using JavaScript through a user.js
file (or a different filename specified in server.custom_script_path
The script is loaded at the start.
In your script, you can expose onPlay(state)
and onPause()
through exports which will get called at the appropriate event.
has the following type:
interface State {
info: PlayInfo;
title: string;
subtitle: string | undefined;
imageUrl: string | undefined;
interface PlayInfo {
title: string;
artist: string;
trackNumber: null | number;
image: null | ImageInfo;
timeline: null | TimelineInfo;
album: null | AlbumInfo;
source: string;
type ImageInfo = string | InternalImage;
interface InternalImage {
id: number;
epochId: number;
interface TimelineInfo {
ts: number;
durationMs: number;
progressMs: number;
rate: number;