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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Added the use-raw-data query parameter for the overlay. If it's present in the URL, no cleanup will be performed on the client (example: http://localhost:48457/?use-raw-data).
  • Linux: The dbus adapter now automatically discovers all org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.* services. If you previously ran an instance, you need to update your config and set modules.dbus.destinations to ["org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.*"].


  • Linux: Local images (file://) are now loaded correctly.

v0.1.0-alpha.13 - 2024-06-22


  • Custom hosts now resolve links correctly.

v0.1.0-alpha.12 - 2024-06-22


  • Custom hosts now work correctly with the overlay client and extension.

v0.1.0-alpha.11 - 2024-06-21


  • Added support for players implementing the MPRIS D-Bus interface on Unix.
  • Added center positioning (pos=c, pos=vcenter, pos=hcenter, documentation).
  • Added server.bind to specify multiple addresses the application should bind to/listen on.


  • Adjusted the config location search. This is compatible with the previous behavior.
  • If an invalid config is encountered on Windows, the user is now shown a dialog with the error and the options "Cancel", "Try Again" (re-read the config), and "Continue" (replace the config with the default one).


v0.1.0-alpha.10 - 2023-09-01


  • The overlay can be positioned through URL parameters. For example localhost:48457/?pos=br to position the overlay in the bottom right corner (documentation).
  • URL parameters (query and hash) are now reflected in the DOM on the html element to allow easier customization (documentation).


  • Missing user-scripts would break the overlay in dev mode (pnpm dev).
  • The marquee effect would not work in Chromium < 103.

v0.1.0-alpha.9 - 2023-08-04


  • Metadata for custom themes through CSS variables (documentation).
  • User-scripts (user.js) are now supported (documentation).
  • Text that overflows the container now has a marquee effect (like on Spotify).
  • Documentation is now provided at


  • Auto-start by default is now disabled.